Wednesday, July 1, 2015


· CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE - Includes seeing opportunities others do not see, finding a profitable niche, specializing, and loving your career or business.

· INTEGRITY AND MORAL VALUES - Includes being honest with all people, having a supportive spouse, and having strong religious faith.
· INTELLECTUAL ORIENTATION - Includes having a high IQ/superior intellect, attending a top-rated college, and graduating near/at the top of one's class.
· INVESTING: THE STOCK MARKET OR ONE'S OWN BUSINESS - Includes investing in the equities of public corporations, having excellent investment advisers, making wise investments, investing in my own business, being my own boss, willing to take financial risk given the right return, and living below one's means.

· LUCK VS. DISCIPLINE - Includes being lucky, being well disciplined, being very well organized, and working harder than most people.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." 

· ORIENTATION TOWARD CRITICS - Includes ignoring the criticism of detractors, having a competitive spirit or personality, having the urge to be well respected, having extraordinary energy, and being physically fit.

· SOCIAL SKILLS - Includes getting along with people; having strong leadership qualities; having an ability to sell your ideas, products, etc.; and having good mentors.

* These success factors are based on a survey of 733 millionaires by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D., in his book, The Millionaire Mind (pg. 61-65). This brief excerpt was used in accordance with the "Fair Use" exemption to the U.S. copyright law.