While the modern workplace is definitely a two way street, with managers and business execs dealing with problem employees as well, it's important to realize some of the issues that frustrate employees, especially if you are doing the frustrating!
Why should you care, since you are in charge? Well, because the bottom line is, it's wise to do so! Such issues lead to reduced morale taking the form of lost productivity, turnover, and a toxic work environment. How about subtle and not so subtle forms of sabotage! An example: I recall one concrete contractor who was actually quite afraid of his workers quitting before an important job got done or, if you can believe it, even returning from lunch!
Let's take five problem management issues/styles to be aware of:
- Meddling, micro-managing managers! Having seen and experienced quite a few over the years, this type of management behavior burns people out fast, stifles creativity, creates a toxic work environment and seriously hinders productivity. While new staffers expect to be "baby sat" and new employees should be trained thoroughly, competent employees should be given the resources to do the job and cut loose. If someone seriously can't do the work in a reasonable period of time, then it's time for a decision! If a company has experienced, competent employees that are not allowed to do their job, this often points to an insecure, "control freak"-type management, that is almost always not effective at running a business. Such managers typically don't manage from financial statements, expected results, or a business plan....and they don't train employees.
- Mixed messages & moving goal posts! When a manager continually changes the goal or standard, especially quickly and unreasonably without some commensurate increase in compensation, or worse yet, with threats and browbeating, that creates frustration. In today's corporate environment the tension is often between accuracy and speed. One consultant from a major firm quipped to me recently, "Speed is more favored by today's companies." I tend to agree but I would say both are desired, at least by smart management! A fast worker offers and receives quick feedback. The job is done or the quote is processed. It's out the door! Accuracy, or the lack of it, can hit hard, but less often. A mistake can be missed that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars, auditors can come down hard months later, and reputations can be damaged. But, If management preaches speed continually, creating a climate of intense pressure for it with little positive feedback for accuracy, it is human nature to grease what is "the squeakiest wheel."
- Threats, belittling and ridicule - Whether express or implied, public threats and domineering behavior, can stifle a team environment. Stifling discussion or reasonable questions with accusations or discipline provides the incentive to remain silent! Bullying management can take a toll on creativity and the input many employers claim to want. It is often worth it for one of your employees to ask a question, make a suggestion, etc?
- Creating & fostering conflict! Setting one department against another, processing vs. quality control, as an example, can also destroy the team spirit. No matter how many pot lucks, game days, etc. management might have, the toxicity created by handling conflict unfairly among staff can't be overstated. These "team events" may be loathed in such cases! The same conflict can be created among individual employees who think they hold the same title--whether it be CFO, office manager or supervisor. Such situations breed tension and strife. Most managers deny doing this, but the actions need to be observed!
- "Mastery by mystery" management. Discussing the mixed messages before, a manifestation of this extreme is how management may preach one thing like speed, speed, speed. And rarely, speak of accuracy or "data integrity". But then use a less favored subordinate's poor performance on a few tasks as the pretext for discipline, or even dismissal. In other words, no one really knows what excellence or poor performance are, because they exist only in the mind, or moods and whims of the manager.