The "dog days" of summer, 2015 version! My basset hound isn't her normal bubbly self on a 97 degree day. Also, this summer, the political scene has been shaken up with the candidacy of Donald Trump, Billionaire Extraordinaire on the GOP side.
"The Donald" has been "telling it like it is". I, for one, have been refreshed by his "in-your-face" bold, often politically incorrect, statements on a host of issues! That is what freedom is supposed to look like!
Along that wavelength, I thought I would take a shot at the prevailing wisdom about diversity in the workplace these days.
It seems that in American society in general and, "big time" in corporate America that diversity is quite the "buzz word"! Diversity of skin color is in (especially if you aren't white), diversity of sexual orientation (homosexuality seems to be a ultra preferred status while those who disagree are castigated. Diversity??), and being a woman is typically preferable to being a man. The emotionalism needed to succeed in a heterosexual dating or marital relationship seems to be in the work place, as well. Except that, I've noticed if men are sensitive they are often mocked or belittled for being babies. The "drama" I see in the workplace and society in general (thanks go largely to you, ladies) is getting quite ridiculous.
Quite politically incorrect, I know! I will stand in "The Donald's" draft for a bit of cover, haha!
Nonetheless, as a consultant, embracing a contrarian perspective, I thought I needed to share.
Ironically, diversity of viewpoints seems to be getting a "bad wrap" in today's American society. For example, holding that human-caused climate change may be suspect. Or that the Confederate flag, while offensive to many as racist, may still be seen rationally by others as an historical symbol. Just a few views that are not greeted with the same respect for diversity, of opinion that is.
The problem is, that in solving real-world problems, "out-of-the-box" views or perspectives are sometimes required in business and management problems. If folks are stifled by political correctness, such solutions may be ignored or not given the light of day! So, lighten up America! True diversity should include different emotions, viewpoints and beliefs, even the politically incorrect ones!